Friday, November 20, 2009


Swirling black magic in a midnight sky
See her spread her majestic wings
As she ascends up above so high
Looking down and watching with a
Mother's caring eye so wise like a sage
Reaching out to save the world from
it's Impending rage
This is her true desire but somehow even so
off to her own Misadventures she must go
Fighting against her inner demons
this struggle she keeps silent and no one knows.
flying from one catastrophe to the next
learning as she goes
collecting knowledge for a world in need
For one day she'll come back to earth
give her message and sow a seed
A message of love,hope.. rebirth
Free the world of judgement and greed
heal the heart of mankind
for this love we will transcend
bring us back together and
embrace a world filled with peace instead

Written by:) Reneelisa

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