Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spirit of The Wolf

On an autumn night by the light of a full moon
we gather embracing hands in a sacred circle
around a warm crackling fire we stand together
in a clearing by the woods
through the brush we hear the sound of Matiki
Approaching our circle ever so slowly closer and closer
with trepidation..he approaches and walks on the outer edge of
our circle.
for the wolf has been hunted,slandered and forced from his land
by the work of our own hand.
Still in this moment around this fire and on this night
he offers us his uneasy trust,forgiveness
he offers us hope in our kind,he is the giver of peace,rebirth and light
He asks us to care for each other as we care for ourselves
to care for our future and it's children as the wolf pack cares
for the pack and it's children.
written by:) Reneelisa